SABA 3D - Shoot Date:2025-02-22


Enter your details in the team you whish to shoot. In general,
team #1 starts with target 1, etc.
If you are a SABA member, you can just enter your SABA number and
use the "retrieve personal details" button to have the rest completed.
Target: #1  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
#1  0  Annamarie Young  hunter (mechanicals)  xxx  xxx  
#5  0  Frederick Holl  male senior field  xxx  xxx  
#23  0  Francois Dekker  male senior open  xxx  xxx  
#24  0  Heinrich Dekker  male junior (gr 4-7) field  xxx  xxx  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #2  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
#17  0  Rudolf van Heerden  male senior field  xxx  xxx  
#18  0  Koos Moolman  male senior open  xxx  xxx  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #3  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
#19  0  Oliver Hart  hunter (fixed blades)  xxx  xxx  
#20  0  Warren Bedser  male senior field  xxx  xxx  
#21  0  Vaughn Deyzel  male senior field  xxx  xxx  
#22  0  Francois Beukes  male senior field  xxx  xxx  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #4  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #5  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #6  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
#11  0  Will van der watt  hunter (fixed blades)  xxx  xxx  
#12  0  Cornelius Loubser  hunter (fixed blades)  xxx  xxx  
#16  0  Ryan Clark  hunter (fixed blades)  xxx  xxx  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #7  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #8  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #9  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #10  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #11  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #12  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #13  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #14  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #15  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #16  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #17  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #18  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
#2  14  Hyma Venter  female senior field  xxx  xxx  
#3  13  Vick Venter  hunter (fixed blades)  xxx  xxx  
#6  0  Peet van der Westhuizen  hunter (fixed blades)  xxx  xxx  
#13  0  Yolando de Buys  hunter (mechanicals)  xxx  xxx  
#14  0  Jasper van Der Westhuisen  male senior open  xxx  xxx  
#15  0  Louis van Wyk  male senior x-bow  xxx  xxx  

Target: #19  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...

Target: #20  
card nr  saba nr  Name  Category  cell  email  
#4  821  Steven Harmse  hunter (fixed blades)  xxx  xxx  
#10  0  Ian Stone  male senior field  xxx  xxx  
enter your saba number and retrieve the rest...